Psn accounts search
Psn accounts search


It won’t come with you until Epic launches its account merging feature in November. Heed this warning if you’ve bought anything on the Switch version of Fortnite or have any progress you’re worried about losing. If you never bothered playing Fortnite on Switch and never made a Nintendo-centric account in the first place, then you’re in even better shape. Instead, the changes you’ll make occur using Epic’s online account system, which can now freely interact between Sony’s PlayStation Network and the Nintendo Account system. If you’ve logged in once, the account is stuck from Nintendo’s point of view. That’s because Nintendo does not allow you to log out of a Switch-linked Epic account from the Fortnite client itself. In fact, you never even have to properly log in to your PSN account on the Switch version of Fortnite. The most important thing to know about this process is that it does not take place on the Nintendo Switch itself. Step 1: Log into Epic Games’ website with your Nintendo ID and unlink the Switch For PSN players, like myself, that never bothered playing on Switch because it meant not having access to any of my skins or Battle Pass progression, this is the simplest solution to get properly set up to play on Switch. Right now, however, you can get your PlayStation account on the Nintendo Switch version of Fortnite so long as you don’t care about losing access to any progress or purchases you’ve made on the Switch version. (The former is coming in November, and the latter in “a few days,” according to Epic.) Epic is also working on a separate feature that lets you unlink an account from one device and re-link it with another. Still, it’s not exactly a simple solution, and Sony admitted as much when John Kodera, the president and global CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, said the feature would be available in open beta “to conduct thorough testing.” On the developer end, Epic is working to help players with a feature that merges accounts, so players with multiple purchases and virtual currency can bring all of that together into a single account. It may also be the first step in a broader, transformational shift in the console game industry away from the locked down and restricted approach to platforms that’s existed pretty much since the onset of widespread online multiplayers. The move is a huge win for consumers after the PR disaster Sony suffered back at E3. Progress matters a great deal while playing Fortnite, and players are already furious about being locked out of the Switch version of the game after playing on the PlayStation 4.Sony finally backed away from its staunch and hard-headed approach to cross-platform play yesterday, announcing that it would start letting players of Epic Games’ Fortnite use PlayStation-linked accounts on the Nintendo Switch and Xbox One, as well as play against one another on shared servers. Not to mention the fact that this means progress on the Switch won’t be carried over to your actual account. “Please try a different Epic account, or visit our help website for more information.”Ĭreating a new account is a trivial thing, but it’s ridiculous to be forced to lose your progress and access to the Battle Pass you’ve already paid for. “The Epic account you tried to link can not play on the platform,” the error message states.


To play Fortnite on Switch, please create a new account.”Ī similar issue popped up when we used a brand-new account that has been played on the PC and Switch, and tried to play on the PS4. “Neither the Fortnite website nor Epic Customer Service are able to change this. “This Fortnite account is associated with a platform which does not allow it to operate on Switch,” the error message states. This is the error message we received when we tried to connect an Epic Games account to the Switch that has also been played on the PS4: This is some serious shade aimed at Sony in the error message Epic Games via Polygon This is an unprecedented limitation in an industry that’s only becoming more open, and a decision that’s actively hostile to players.


If you’ve played on Switch, the PS4 version will give you this error message: “The Epic Account you tried to link can not play on this platform.” If you’ve played on PS4, the Switch version will give you the following error message: “This Fortnite account is associated with a platform which does not allow it to operate on Switch.” The problem is that using a Fortnite account that has been used on the PlayStation 4 will keep you from using that account on the Switch, and an account that has been used on the Switch can’t be played on the PS4.


Fortnite launched on the Nintendo Switch today, and that version of the game can play against folks on iOS, Mac, Windows PC and Xbox One.

Psn accounts search